You Will Won’t You? – Write a Proper Will
Have you written your will? Do you know for sure your will can survive a challenge in court? Drafting a will involves much more than simply putting words on paper. A will must comply with Ohio probate laws to be valid. It can be very easy to mess up a will if you are not familiar with Ohio’s probate laws. If your will does not meet the requirements for a valid will, your will may be overturned in court or your will may be interpreted in a manner that is different from what you intended.
To ensure your will is enforceable under Ohio law and the contents of your will address each of your concerns, consult with a Dayton estate planning attorney. The Dayton will attorneys of Lovett & House can draft a will and an estate plan that meets all your goals. Call our office today at (937) 909-0770 to schedule an appointment to discuss your will.
Tips For Preparing A Will
When you meet with your attorney, he will discuss your goals and your wishes, so he understands what you want to accomplish with an estate plan. He will explain the probate process and what you need to include in a will to accomplish your goals. Some of the issues you will discuss with your Dayton wills attorney include:
Heirs and Property Distribution
It is important that you list each heir you want to receive property in your will. If you die without a will, the state determines who receives your property according to Ohio’s intestate laws. Therefore, you want to ensure each person or entity you wish to receive property is included in your will. Then you must decide how to divide your property.
You can leave specific items to certain heirs in addition to dividing your estate by percentages. For example, you can leave your great grandmother’s ring that has been passed down from mother to daughter directly to your daughter to ensure she is the heir who receives this item. On the other hand, you may also everyone an equal share or divide your estate into as many different pieces as you prefer.
For Parents
For parents, drafting a will is an important step in protecting your child in the event something happens to you. If this section of your will is not drafted correctly, the state could choose who raises your child after your death. In addition to not choosing who raises your child, you have no say in how your child’s inheritance is managed or used if you die without a valid will. Your child will receive his or her entire inheritance upon his or her eighteenth birthday. Most parents prefer to choose an age when they believe their child may be more mature and ready to handle the inheritance, such as after college.
With a will, you can choose a guardian for your child and name the person who will manage your child’s inheritance. You can set forth instructions for the use of the inheritance and choose a specific age your child must reach before receiving his or her inheritance. By consulting with a Dayton wills lawyer, you can protect your child even after your death with a valid, comprehensive will.
For Pet Owners
Many people own pets, and they consider those pets part of their family. Have you ever wondered what will happen to your pet if you pass away? Who will care for your pet? Will anyone step up to take on that responsibility for you? You cannot leave money or property directly to your pet in your will. You can include a pet trust naming someone to care for your pet and provide funds for the care and upkeep of your pet.
Choosing A Dayton, OH Estate Planning Attorney
The decisions you make regarding your estate are some of the most important decisions you will make because you are deciding how to protect your family and your assets. You need to choose an attorney who has extensive experience preparing wills and estate plans to assist you. You need someone who understands Ohio probate laws, but who also understands how to use those laws to help you provide for your family and protect yourself and your property not only after you die but while you are living.
The Dayton will attorneys of Lovett & House want to help you plan for your future and your family’s future by developing a comprehensive estate plan. Contact our office by telephone at (937) 909-0770 or online to schedule a time to meet with one of our Dayton probate attorneys.
Do not leave important decisions about your health care, your children, and your property to the state. Protect your right to make these personal decisions yourself by putting an estate plan in place now.